To produce the ideal blended learning program, you must examine every theoretical and practical element that is required to meet your learning objectives. In order to create the most effective learning and assessment programme that is accessible in the shortest timeframe and can be done in the most flexible way, we study all forms of training and education.
We produce the most efficient learning and assessment programmes in the least time at the lowest cost. See the options listed below to view what we can do for you.
Prior to entering a training course or syllabus there may be pre-learning required to ensure that all delegates arrive at the course with a common standard of theoretical knowledge. This ensures that the practical and workshop-based training can be conducted at a pace where no delegate is “left behind”. Pre-learning can include self-study using online resources, undertaking online eLearning courses to learning theoretical concepts or mentoring sessions with an experienced professional in the field.
Pre-assessment is used to ensure that delegates who have had to complete pre-learning have gained the theoretical knowledge required for them to participate in more advanced training. Pre-assessment is also used to ensure that delegates who are experienced in the field, actually have the knowledge required on the specific subject matter that the training course will cover. Pre-assessment can be conducted using online assessment tools and for safety-critical subjects, may occur at the training facility prior to the training taking place.
Digital Learning can take many forms, including eLearning courses, micro learning – where delegates are given access to nuggets of information relating to a specific subject or item of equipment, which allows for targeted learning aimed at specific, predefined learning outcomes – online simulation and online assessment tools, using a wide range of assessment techniques to determine the knowledge of the learners. ISG specialises in developing highly interactive online courses that use a wide variety of media techniques including immersive 3D environments, AR/VR, animations and high quality video, to provide the learner with a learning environment that reflects their own place of work. All ISG’s online offerings are optimised for delivery in low bandwidth environments.
The experience and presence of an instructor can be a key element in enabling delegates to develop skills and competences. Our instructors deliver interactive workshops and guide delegates through task-based activities that are aimed at creating competence in the delegates. Basic theory is delivered online and our instructors focus solely on task-based training and the competence assessment of delegates. This ensures that the total time of a training course can be minimized, with theoretical content delivered online and instructors using their skills where they are most effective - on skills-based training, not delivering PowerPoint presentations.
We use instructors to train delegates on a wide-range of subjects – from mandatory and life-critical safety training skills - to mechanical and electrical installation, inspection, repair and maintenance routines, and other technical courses covering a wide range of topics. We have relationships with a number of equipment manufacturers of items such as electrical systems, mechanical equipment, refrigeration systems, instrumentation systems, safety systems, IAS and cryogenic and pressurised gas systems. Each course is tailored specifically for each client to reflect their equipment, procedures and safety management system.
It is vital for delegates to be able to take the skills they have learned online and in a workshop environment, into their workplace such that they can perform their roles safely and to the required level of competence. ISG can provide Competence Assessors and External Verifiers to attend vessels and assets to assess the competence of crew performing specific tasks to a pre-agreed standard. We can help to develop competence standards and systems for our clients, if required, or work with whichever competence system they already use. We can also create workbooks that stipulate a number of competence based-activities for completion by the delegate in their workplace, under supervision from a Qualified Person, which may then be externally verified by ISG Verifiers onshore.
Many training courses – especially concerning mandatory safety subjects – require to be refreshed in accordance with the relevant standard. ISG has created innovative, blended learning models that maximise the use of online learning to enable refresher training to be as flexible for the learner as possible, whilst minimising training costs for the employer and the delegate. Delegates’ knowledge and skills are assessed online such that the refresher training can focus very much on the individual knowledge gaps of each delegate. Where possible all refresher training can be undertaken via smartphone to ensure maximum flexibility.
We work with a number of Internationally-recognised certification bodies to ensure the training we deliver has value and portability for the successful delegates. We also work with our clients to created tailored learning materials that are specific to their operational requirements and to then have these certified to an international standard, ensuring that the highly customized and appropriate training is also certified to an Internationally-recognised level.